Gottfried Lindauer. The Māori Portraits in Berlin.
Recently I have visited a very particular exhibition "Gottfried Lindauer. The Māori Portraits" at the…
LeggiRecently I have visited a very particular exhibition "Gottfried Lindauer. The Māori Portraits" at the…
LeggiOn the occasion of the celebration of Australia National day I decided to tell you about this wonderful…
LeggiAccording to Aboriginal belief, all life as it is today - Human, Animal, Bird and Fish is part of one…
LeggiАвстралийские аборигены верят, что их предки жили в во…
LeggiEveryday we find ourselves in the new time and space: we are visiting different cities, meeting new…
LeggiIn the ancient times, if the two kingdoms would have an issue to solve in a military way, it was often…
LeggiSometimes, paradox as it might sound, less time you have, the more things you actually manage to combine.…
LeggiВыставка "Генезис" - это зачаровывающее фотографическое…
LeggiЗамок Интрод (Chateau d’Introd) от франц. «entre eaux» [entr-o], что в переводе…
LeggiС 19 апреля по 13 июля 2014 в Турине проходит выставка «Прерафаэлиты.…