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SOTHEBY’S. Londra, 30 novembre 2010
La vendita di 20 gioielli (100% di venduto) provenienti dalle collezioni della duchessa di Windsor, tenutasi da Sotheby’s a Londra ha realizzato 7.975.550 sterline. La cifra è ben oltre il doppio delle stime preasta di 3 milioni di sterline. Il top price, 4.521.250 sterline, è stato realizzato dal braccialetto Cartier “Pantera” del 1952, in onice e diamanti, che ha moltiplicato le stime (1-1,5 milioni di sterline – ***RECORD FOR CARTIER AT AUCTION*** RECORD FOR ANY BRACELET AT AUCTION***). Aveva le stesse valutazioni il fermaglio del 1940 (sempre Cartier) disegnato da Jeanne Toussaint a foggia di fenicottero, con rubini, zaffiri, smeraldi, citrini e diamanti: è stato acquistato a 1.721.250 sterline.

David Bennett, Chairman of Sotheby’s Jewellery in Europe and the Middle East, ha dichiarato: “It haIt has been an immense pleasure to bring once again to sale these jewels worn by a woman who was a leader of fashion and the epitome of elegance and sophistication for her generation and beyond. The collection comprised not only masterpieces of 20th century jewellery by Cartier, but also pieces whose intimate inscriptions tell the story of perhaps the greatest love story of the 20th century, the romance that led Edward VIII to abdicate the throne of Great Britain. Wherever we have exhibited the jewels in recent months – whether it be Moscow, New York, Hong Kong or the Middle East – the response has been extraordinary; and the Windsor collection has been introduced to a new audience of buyers. […] This month has been sensational for Sotheby’s Jewellery sales. In the last two weeks alone we have established both a new world record price for any gemstone with the sale of the 24.78 carat ‘Graff Pink’ for $46 million and a new world record total for a jewellery sale at $105 million with our sale in Geneva on November 16. Tonight’s London sale, with its record for a jewel by Cartier ($7 million), has also underlined the enduring desirability of fabulous signed jewels with great provenance.”

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