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Fiac! – ottobre 2011


20 – 23 ottobre 2011, Grand Palais, Jardin des Plantes e Hors lesMursJardin des Tuileries 

La XXXVIII edizione di Fiac! si svolge dal 20 al 23 ottobre, l’anteprima per operatori e collezionisti è fissata per il 19. Questa edizione si pregia di un nuovo percorso espositivo reso possibile dal ripristino del livello superiore del Grand Palais. Nuovi spazi da riscoprire, finalmente riportati all’antico splendore e volumetria. La navata ospita le gallerie specializzate in arte moderna e contemporanea, mentre le gallerie superiori accolgono gli stand delle gallerie che trattano solo artisti contemporanei e testimoniano le ultimissime tendenze. Per un totale di 168 gallerie da 21 paesi del mondo. Sono 12 le gallerie italiane: A Arte Studio Invernizzi,Francesca MininiKaufmann RepettoMassimo De Carlo  e Raffaella Cortese di Milano; Franco Noero e Tucci Russo di Torino con Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli; Galleria Continua, San Giminiano/Pechino/Le Moulin; Magazzino, Roma; Massimo Minini, Brescia e Tornabuoni Arte, Firenze/Milano/Portofino/Forte dei Marmi.

clicca qui per la lista deglie espositori

Matthias Bitzer, Senza titolo, 2011, carta su tavola, acrilico su vetro, 136 x 106 cm, courtesy Francesca Minini, Milano, stand 1.F02, galleria piano superiore

comunicato stampa

FIAC and the Groupe Galeries Lafayette, official partner of FIAC, are pleased to announce the third consecutive edition of the Lafayette Sector, a programme of support for galleries which promotes emerging talents. The 2011 Sector Lafayette will provide substantial financial support to 10 French and international galleries selected by an independent jury of international curators for the quality of their exhibition programme in the field of emerging art, and on the basis of a specific project for FIAC.

One of the artists presented in the context of the Lafayette Sector will be awarded the Lafayette Prize. Also created in 2009, the award consists in the acquisition of a work by the Groupe Galeries Lafayette and an exhibition scheduled to take place in a Parisian institution during FIAC in the following year, doted with a production budget. Carol Bove and Morag Keil are respectively the 2009 and 2010 recipients of the Lafayette Prize. Morag Keil’s exhibition opens at the Palais de Tokyo on October 6th.


One of the artists presented in the context of the Lafayette Sector will be awarded the Lafayette Prize. Also created in 2009, the award consists in the acquisition of a work by the Groupe Galeries Lafayette and an exhibition scheduled to take place at the Palais de Tokyo during FIAC in the following year. Carol Bove and Morag Keil are respectively the 2009 and 2010 recipients of the Lafayette Prize. Morag Keil will exhibit at the Palais de Tokyo in October 2011.


FIAC is also proud to welcome 20 galleries who will exhibit for the first time: MD72, Luciana Brito, Cherry and Martin, Eleven Rivington, Marc Foxx, Galerist, Goodman Gallery, Kicken, Andrew Kreps, Maccarone, Massimo Minini, Matthew Marks, Friedrich Petzel, Rüdiger Schöttle, Luisa Strina, Sutton Lane, Taxter & Spengemann, Vermelho, and VidalCuglietta.

The 2011 Lafayette Sector will provide financial support to 10 French and international galleries selected by an independent jury of international curators for the quality of their exhibition programme in the field of emerging art and on the basis of a specific project for FIAC. This programme underlines the joint desire of FIAC and her official sponsor, the Groupe Galeries Lafayette, to pursue their ongoing support of the actors of the emerging art scene in its international dimension.

The 2011 participants (selected by Ann Demeester , Hans Ulrich Obrist, Beatrix Ruf, Marc-Olivier Wahler and Guillaume Houzé, Director of Patronage at the Groupe Galeries Lafayette) are:
Koch Oberhuber Wolff (Berlin), Johann König (Berlin), Labor (Mexico City), Harris Liebermann (New York), Marcelle Alix (Paris), Monitor (Roma), Take Ninagawa (Tokyo), Office Baroque (Antwerp), Project88 (Mumbai), TORRI (Paris).

5 galleries will present solo shows: Helen Marten at Johann König (Berlin); Barbara Hammer at Koch Oberhuber Wolff (Berlin); Jorge Satorre, at Labor (Mexico City) Sarnath Banerjee at Project 88 (Mumbai) and Soju Tao at Take Ninagawa (Tokyo)

5 galleries will exhibit joint presentations by two artists: Ernesto Sartori and Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet at Marcelle Alix (Paris); Zak Prekop and Alexandre Singh at Harris Lieberman (New York); Nathaniel Mellors and Ra di Martino at Monitor (Roma); Leigh Ledare and Matthew Brannon at Office Baroque (Antwerp); Florian Pugnaire & Véra Molnar at TORRI (Paris).

Christian Boltaski, Reliquiario, 2011,
fotografie su carta pergamenata, neon, cavo,
courtesy  Kewenig Galerie, Colonia/Palma de Mallorca

FIAC 2011 will feature artists’ performances in the context of an ongoing programme Ouvertures/Openings organised in collaboration with the Auditorium of the Louvre Museum. This year’s program will include the première of Claude Closky’s Private view, on Friday October 21st at 9.00pm, an exceptional performance by Dan Graham, Lax/Relax (1969) on Saturday October 22nd at 4.00 pm, together with a succession of performance pieces by Marie Cool & Fabio Balducci throughout the day on Sunday October 23rd from 9.00 am to 8.00pm. In addition Audrey Cottin will perform at the Jeu de Paume on Friday October 21st at 7.00pm, and Pierre Leguillon will present La Promesse de l’Ecran at the Théâtre de Chailloton Saturday October 22nd at 7.00 pm, FIAC’s performance cycle, together with a program of artists’ films designed to complement the Cinéphemère in the Tuileries Gardens, will continue in the Auditorium du Grand Palais.

Exhibitions of outdoor sculptures and installations will be presented simultaneously at the Tuileries Gardens and the Jardin des Plantes at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle.


For the sixth consecutive year, in partnership with the Domaine national du Louvre & des Tuileries, a major ensemble of outdoor sculptures and installations will be shown in the Tuileries Gardens. The Hors les Murs programme will be expanded to include an outdoor exhibition focusing on the theme of nature, biodiversity and the environment in a second emblematic and historic Parisian venue, the Jardin des plantes at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle.

FIAC 2011 will feature artists’ performances in the context of an ongoing programme Ouvertures/Openings organised in collaboration with the Auditorium of the Louvre Museum. This programme will be complemented by a cycle of artists’ performances and artists’ films in the Auditorium of the Grand Palais, scheduled throughout the duration of the fair. Following the success of the inaugural 2010 edition, FIAC will present Cinéphémère in collaboration with the Fondation d’entreprise Ricard: every day from 1 pm to 6 pm during FIAC week, artists’ films will be screened in an especially remodelled and equipped shipping container installed in the Tuileries Gardens.

Sol LeWitt, Brushstrokes, 1996, gouache su carta, 153,67 x 153,67 cm, courtesy Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli, Stand B42

informazioni utili:



20 – 23 ottobre 2011

orario per sede:

Grand Palais : 12 – 20

Pomeriggio per addetti ai lavoro: mercoledì 19, 15 – 17
Vernissage: mercoledì 19, 17-20
mappa espositori

Hors les MursJardin des Tuileries : tutti i giorni : 7:30 -19:30
mappa giardini

Jardin des Plantes tutti i giorni : 7:30 -19:30

mappa giardini 

Lee Miller (1907 – 1977),
Senza Titolo (Joseph Cornell con il suo oggetto surreale …, 1932,
vintage gelatin silver print, Ubu Gallery, New York


Show Off 
20 – 23 ottobre 2011
Port des Champs Elysées

20 – 23 ottobre 2011
Bourse de Commerce de Paris
2 rue de Viarmes


Slick 11
20 – 23 ottobre 2011
Palais de Tokyo et Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris Esplanade
11-13, av du Président Wilson

Chic Art Fair 2011
21 – 24 ottobre 2011
À la Cité de la Mode et du Design
34, quai d’Austerlitz

Salon Light – Artist’s book festival
20 – 23 ottobre 2011
Point Éphémère
200 quai de Valmy

20 – 24 ottobre 2011
Pavilions on the Champs-Elysées avenue
Champs Elysees, dal Petit Palais a Place de la Concorde

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