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Viennafair – maggio 2011

12 – 15 maggio 2011, Fiera, Vienna


Questa settimana Vienna si anima di molti appuntamenti artistici che fanno da corollario alla VII edizione di VIENNAFAIR. La fiera che si propone come vetrina per l’arte contemporanea dell’area centro-est Europa, questo anno vede la partecipazione di 124 gallerie, in prevalenza austriache ma con forti presenze tedesche e polacche. Due le gallerie italiane, entrambe milanesi: Prometeogallery di Ida Pisani e Galleria Alessandro de March. L’edizione 2011 della fiera propone un focus sulla scena artistica di Istanbul. Dal 12 al 15 maggio 2011.

comunicato stampa
Vienna enjoys an internationally high reputation as art place, not only in music but meanwhile also in contemporary fine arts. We are very proud to have been able to contribute to further enhance this high reputation over the past years with the ‘VIENNAFAIR’”, states Matthias Limbeck, CEO in charge at fair organizer Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien. The “VIENNAFAIR 2011” will be taking place from May 12 to 15, 2011, in Hall A of Vienna’s Congress Center Messe Wien.

Special Exhibition “DIYALOG”: Art from Istanbul
Europe’s largest metropolis, Istanbul, lies not only geographically at a central interface. The Turkish capital also culturally forms one of the “anchor cities” where scenarios for the future of culture conceptualised as a European one, in dialogue with the currently new forming global societies, are tested. As a metropolis of the fine arts Istanbul has seen a downright boom in the past years. New museums and art centres, a biennial which has come to be counted as the globally most significant event of its kind, artist initiatives and project spaces, publishing houses and – not least – galleries for contemporary art are writing and re-writing the still young history of this art place. A focal point of the “VIENNAFAIR 2011” is dedicated to Istanbul’s scene. Four of the city’s main galleries, each with a different focus on its art will present a representative sample of the thoroughly diverse art landscapes of Istanbul and will show art throughout different generations. Institutions catering for young art will be equally introduced in this fourfold that is spatially based on the Han, the inner courtyard of caravansaries, as are art publications and off-initiatives. The fact that the artistic dialogue between Vienna and the city on the Bosporus has also enhanced many connections and prominent artistic positions is an additional topic of this special project, partly initialized and supported by OMV, of the “VIENNAFAIR 2011”.

Presented will be the following art positions:
artSümer with Gökçe Er, Erdal Duman, Damla Faro, Onur Gülfidan, Gözde İlkin and Ceren Oykut; Outlet Gallery with Fikret Atay, Hasret Bengü, Burak Delier, Servet Koçyiğit and Şener Özmen; Rampa Istanbul with Vahap Avşar, Ayşe Erkmen, Nilbar Güreş Ahmet Oran and Güçlü Öztekin; x-ist with Canan, Cem Dinlenmiş, Seda Hepsev, Burhan Kum, Ekin Saçlıoğlu, Sena, Alp Sime, Erkut Terliksiz, Gözde Türkkan and Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin.

PerformanceNite VIENNAFAIR
Due to the intense public interest the “PerformanceNite VIENNAFAIR” will be again taking place this year on the second fair day on Friday, May 13, 2011, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Hall A. This year Sanja Ivekovic, Jakob Lena Knebl, Ana Hoffner, Audrey Cottin and Ines Doujak will surprise the audience with five performances which critically approach in different ways the individual, its role in society and the conventions connected with this.

Pinki: A Performative Project of a Collective Sculpture by Pawel Althamer
Art didactics as a performative act is offered in a action taking place daily at the “VIENNAFAIR 2011” by the internationally highly renowned Polish artist Pawel Althamer: together with students of the Vysoká škola výtvarných umení in Bratislava, the Akademia Sztuk Pieknych in Warsaw and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as well as visitors of the “VIENNAFAIR 2011”, Althamer will design sculptures in accordance with nature. The model will be the legendary life model of the Warsaw Academy, Pinki.
The audience interested in art will have the opportunity to participate in this action daily from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Hall A.
A registration at necessary to participate.

This year’s departure panel programme in the context of the “VIENAFAIR” is dedicated to three selected topical focal points of the gallery project curated by_vienna 2011: EAST by SOUTH WEST. The focus of these projects is set on contemporary art and culture in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, an extended geographical area including the Baltic States, Russia, former Yugoslavia and Turkey. Curators, artists and invited experts participating in curated by_ will be discussing current topics and perspectives for art and culture in this region.

Time: Saturday, May 14, 2011, 1 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Venue: VIENNAFAIR, Congress Center Messe Wien, Hall A, Messeplatz 1, Vienna 1020.
The panels will be held in English and will be presented by Simon Rees, curating coordinator of curated by_vienna 2011.

1 p.m. to 2.30 p.m.:
Without Label: Feminism in Eastern and South-Eastern European Art
The status of works by artists in the post-communist countries of Europe and Turkey remains still unclear – even after large exhibitions such as “Gender Check” (2010 in MUMOK, Vienna, and in Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw) and despite a large number of women in leadership positions of leading art institutions. The all-women participants will be discussing the social status of women considering established socio-political attitudes and common religious biases as well as the role of feminism in the contemporary art and society.
Participants: Silvia Eiblmayr, Flaka Haliti, Laura Rutkutė, Alina Serban, Nil Yalter

3 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.:
Today’s Legacies of Colonialism
Nationalities, nation states and the population of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe have been defined and shaped for hundreds of years by different phases of “Empire” (the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, the Czarist Russia, the Ottoman Empire and Communism of the 20th century). Against this background Eastern and South-Eastern Europe have been searching since 1989/1991 and after the end of the Communist Era for new identities. The participants will be discussing connections and challenges of these processes and their relevance for the day-to-day life and the fine arts.
Participants: Joseph Backstein, Iara Boubnova, Olga Bryukhovetska, Elena Sorokina

5 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.:
The increasing globalization of the art market has in the past ten years constantly been in the focus of media reports, especially the emergence of numerous biennials (including Manifesta), the integration of ten post-Communist states into the European Union, the low-budget airlines boom, the triumph (hinted at in the title) of the internet and the opening of new art markets in China, India, the Near East and Russia. The experiences of the panellists tell a different story: topics discussed will be the exclusion of artists from the periphery from significant exhibitions in the global art centres and the relatively small proportion of an international audience at important exhibitions and art events at places which are perceived to be remotely situated.
Participants: Bassam el Baroni, Ami Barak, René Block, Adam Budak, Dessislava Dimova, Nicolaus Schafhausen, Tirdad Zolghadr

The Art Place Vienna as Point of Attraction for International Art Collectors: The Special Exhibitions of the “VIENNAFAIR 2011”
With a specially developed programme during the art fair the “VIENNAFAIR” will bring again more than 200 international art collectors to Vienna and will create with this an important basis for the economic success of the participating galleries.

The “VIENNAFAIR 2011” sets a special focus with invitations of collectors from Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and the regions of the emerging markets. Here, especially for galleries from the West the chance arises to place still often underrepresented artistic positions in these collections. A special programme by the title “The Vienna School of Collecting Theory” enables encounters with important theoreticians, artists, curators and colleagues in the context of lunch conversations in the VIP lounge where, by the way, artists will be cooking for the guests during these events. A top-flight additional programme in the institutions of the City of Vienna will be leading in Vienna’s art scene and its hot spots outside the fair opening hours.

CEE-Focus Lastingly Strengthened – Longstanding Cooperation with ERSTE BANK
With 46 registrations from the regions of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe the CEE focus is to date the largest in the history of the “VIENNAFAIR”. Amongst these are this year such significant positions as the Riga Gallery from Latvia, Plan B and Ivan from Romania, lokal_30 from Poland or Tulips and Roses from Lithuania as well as Skuc and P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E from Slovenia. With Gisich from St. Petersburg as well as GMG and paperworks from Moscow the Russian scene shows for the first time again a strong presence in Vienna. With a total of five galleries, amongst these acb and Raday, Hungary is again strongly represented, as in previous years. New this year are the Newman Popiashvili Gallery from Georgia and Tengri Umai Gallery from Kazakhstan. Also for the first time in Vienna present with artists are Art Radionica Lazareti and Contemporary Croatian Photography from Croatia. ERSTE BANK, as in previous years, enables the CEE focus in the context of the “VIENNAFAIR” by supporting the participation of galleries from Central and South-Eastern Europe. The successful cooperation with the “VIENNAFAIR” creates both for artists and for the audience new approaches and possibilities across borders.

Sponsors of the “VIENNAFAIR 2011”:

Main sponsor

Further sponsors & supporters
departure, the Creative Agency of the City of Vienna, OMV, Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Vöslauer

BMUKK Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, Culture Department of the City of Vienna

Burak Delier, Senza titolo, 2004, C-Print, 125 x 187 cm,
Courtesy Outlet Gallery, Istanbul e dell’artista

informazioni utili:
12 – 15 maggio 2011
Vienna (Austria)
Fiera – Hall A
Orari: Thursday 11 am – 7 pm
Friday 11 am – 9 pm (Performance Nite 6 pm)
Saturday 11 am – 7 pm
Sunday 11 am – 6 pm
Admission prices:
1-day ticket – onlineticket:€ 12.00
1-day ticket – pre-registration: € 14.00 online
1-day ticket – ticket window: € 17.00
Please note that there are some more ticket categories
that are only available at the counter desk



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