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Dipinti antichi – Londra – dicembre 2011

Jan Steen, The Card Players in an Interior, 45.8 x 60.3 cm Estimated at £4.5 – 6 million


 Christie’s & Sotheby’s, Londra, 6/7 dicembre 2011

Christie’s, 6 dicembre 2011


La vendita serale di “Old Master and British Paintings” che si terrà da Christie’s il prossimo 6 dicembre presenta un catalogo di 36 dipinti che ripercorrono cinquecento anni di storia dell’arte europea.



Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (Fuendetodos 1746-1828 Bordeaux) Portrait of Don Juan López de Robredo, Embroiderer to King Carlos IV of Spain oil on canvas 42⅝ x 32⅜ in. (108.3 x 82.3 cm.) £4,000,000 – 6,000,000


L’opera più importante della vendita è il “Ritratto Juan López de Robredo” di Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828), stimata 4/6 milioni di sterline. Viene presentata sul mercato per la prima volta da trent’anni. Altri highlights: “The Battle between Carnival and Lent” di Pieter Brueghel II (1564/5-1637/8) (stima: £3.5/4.5 milioni); “Portrait of Philip Stanhope, 5th Earl of Chesterfield “(1755-1815), di Thomas Gainsborough, R.A.  (1727-1788) (stima: £2.5/3.5 milioni); “Dutch men-o’-war and other shipping in a calm” di Willem van de Velde II (1633-1707) (stima: £1.5/2.5 milioni); “An old woman spinning in an interior” di Nicolaes Maes (1632-1693), 1658 (stima: £1/1.5 milioni) “An old man at a casement” 1646, di Govaert Flinck (1615-1660) (stima £700,000 – £1,000,000).


L’aspettativa sul totale della vendita è tra i 18 e i 26 milioni di sterline.


Richard Knight, International co-Head of Old Masters and 19th Century Art da Christie’s e Paul Raison, Head of Old Masters and 19th Century Art da Christie’s a Londra hanno commentato: “We are pleased to meet the market’s continuing appetite for important works of exceptional quality, condition and rarity with a stellar group of paintings in the evening sale this December. This year, our field has witnessed a noticeable broadening of appeal with collectors both globally and increasingly across a range of categories, bringing new energy. Combined with the strong results achieved in July, this presents an exciting context for these works, particularly Goya’s masterful ‘Portrait of Juan López de Robredo’, to come to auction.”




Sotheby’s, 7 dicembre 2011


La vendita serale di Dipinti antichi e inglesi si terrà da Sotheby’s il prossimo 7 dicembre e offrirà una selezione di importanti e rari dipinti molti dei quali rimasti in mani private per molto tempo. Tra questi “Card Players in an Interior” di Jan Steen (stima: £4.5-6 milioni). La Evening Sale offrirà 38 lotti. Sommando il catalogo della Day Sale si arriva a 237 e si prevede che la stima totale di vendita superi i 21 milioni di sterline

Jan Steen, The Card Players in an Interior, 45.8 x 60.3 cm Estimated at £4.5 – 6 million


Alex Bell, Sotheby’s Co-Chairman, Old Master Paintings, Worldwide, ha commentato: “We are extremely pleased to continue Sotheby’s eleventh successive year of leading in Old Master Paintings auction sales with a carefully curated offering which responds to the market demand for a wide variety of works of exceptional quality from a broad array of schools. The sale highlights demonstrate the mastery of some of the most important artists in the field, including Jan Steen, Jacob van Ruisdael, Lucas Cranach, Anthony Van Dyck, Johann Zoffany and Joseph Wright of Derby.”


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