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SOTHEBY’S. New York, 13 settembre 2011

La vendita “Classical Chinese Paintings” svoltasi da Sotheby’s a New York ha realizzato un totale di $6,467,000 (contro una stima pre-asta di 2.6/3.7 milioni di dollari).

La vendita è stata guidata da lotto 47: Dong Qichang (1555-1636),  conosciuto come uno degli artisti più influenti del suo tempo, Running Script Transcription of an Epitaph, written for Minister Chen Xinyi. Il dipinto è stato venduto per  $782,500 (st. $200/300,000).


Discuntendo sul risultato dell’asta, Iris Miao, Head of the Classical Chinese Paintings sale at Sotheby’s New York, ha dichiarato: “We are delighted with the performance of this morning’s sale which represented the first dedicated auction of Classical Chinese Paintings at Sotheby’s in New York for over ten years. We saw strong participation from the room, telephones and online with multiple bids on nearly every lot and prices exceed estimates across all areas of the sale.”

Henry Howard-Sneyd, Vice Chairman, Asian Art at Sotheby’s: “This was a great way to start our week of Asian art sales. The outstanding results testify to the international nature of this market. With this success we look forward to Classical Chinese Paintings sales becoming a regular fixture of our New York Asia Week sales series.”

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