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Un Rembrandt inedito da quarant'anni da Christie's


Londra, 3 luglio 2012


Durante la vendita di Old Master del prossimo 3 luglio Christie’s offrirà la collezione di pittura olandese dei coniugi Pieter e Olga Dreesmann. Top lot della vendita un ritratto di Rembrandt, “Busto di uomo con gorgiera e cappello”, stimato 8 -12 milioni di sterline. L’opera, datata 1626-27, misura 39,8 x 29,4 cm, e compare sul mercato per la prima volta da quarant’anni. L’uso drammatico della luce richiama Caravaggio. Il dipinto è stato esposto nella mostra “Rembrandt/Caravaggio” tenutasi al Rijksmuseum ad Amsterdamnel 2006. Fanno parte della collezione un gruppo di 15 lavori di artisti della cosiddetta Età dell’Oro olandese del 17° secolo. La stima pre-asta si aggira sui 19 milioni di sterline.


Christie’s ha venduto due dipinti di Rembrandt a prezzi record: “Man with Arms Akimbo” nel 2009 (£20,201,250/$33,210,855) e “Portrait of an Aeltje Uylenburgh” (proveniente dalla collezione della baronessa Batsheva de Rothschild) nel 2000 (£19,803,750 /$28,675,830).

Richard Knight, International Co-Chairman of Old Masters and 19th Century Art at Christie’s, ha commentato: “Led by a major Rembrandt, a Willem Van de Velde of incomparable finesse, and outstanding Still Lifes by Coorte and Van der Ast, this is a remarkably balanced collection of masterpieces that exemplifies the best aspects of Dutch Golden Age painting. It is a privilege to be entrusted with the sale of The Pieter & Olga Dreesmann Collection having represented the family in 2002 with a landmark auction for the late Dr. Anton C.R. Dreesmann. The sustained level of quality throughout and the provenance of the works are exceptional, with many having featured in key public exhibitions over recent years. A collection formed with an eye for quality, rarity and importance, these works perfectly meet the expectations of discerning collectors today.

Pieter and Olga Dreesmann see their collecting as a continuum. They are presently re-focusing their interests and, having decided to part with these works, they are now creating irresistible opportunities for collectors to acquire the finest of the 17th Century Dutch School. The Dreesmanns’ enthusiasm, combined with their discerning eye when acquiring these works, will be an inspiration.

Pieter and Olga Dreesmann are active art collectors with interests that span from Antiquity to the 21st Century. They are supporters of fundamental art research as founders of the Dr. Anton C.R. Dreesmann Fund, a dedicated research unit on Dutch 17th Century painting techniques at The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. They also support philanthropic causes linked to the care of children with genetic disorders and Special Needs. A portion of the proceeds of this sale will go to the above-mentioned charitable causes.”

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