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Andy Warhol. Una Coca Cola è sempre una Coca Cola

Andy Warhol (1928-1987), Green Coca-Cola Bottles, 1962. Acrylic, screenprint, and graphite pencil on canvas. Overall: 82 3/4 × 57 1/8 in. (210.2 × 145.1 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Purchase, with funds from the Friends of the Whitney Museum of American Art 68.25 © Andy Warhol Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS) New York; Registered Trademark, The Coca Cola Company. All rights reserved Andy Warhol (1928-1987), Green Coca-Cola Bottles, 1962. Acrylic, screenprint, and graphite pencil on canvas. Overall: 82 3/4 × 57 1/8 in. (210.2 × 145.1 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Purchase, with funds from the Friends of the Whitney Museum of American Art 68.25 © Andy Warhol Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS) New York; Registered Trademark, The Coca Cola Company. All rights reserved

«Una Coca Cola è sempre una Coca Cola e non c’è quantità di denaro che possa farti comprare una Coca Cola più buona di quella che l’ultimo dei poveracci si sta bevendo sul marciapiede sotto casa tua. Tutte le Coca Cola sono sempre uguali e tutte le Coca Cola sono buone. Lo sa Liz Taylor, lo sa il Presidente degli Stati Uniti, lo sa il barbone e lo sai anche tu»

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol (1928-1987), Green Coca-Cola Bottles, 1962. Acrylic, screenprint, and graphite pencil on canvas. Overall: 82 3/4 × 57 1/8 in. (210.2 × 145.1 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Purchase, with funds from the Friends of the Whitney Museum of American Art 68.25 © Andy Warhol Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS) New York; Registered Trademark, The Coca Cola Company. All rights reserved
Andy Warhol (1928-1987), Green Coca-Cola Bottles, 1962. Acrylic, screenprint, and graphite pencil on canvas. Overall: 82 3/4 × 57 1/8 in. (210.2 × 145.1 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Purchase, with funds from the Friends of the Whitney Museum of American Art 68.25 © Andy Warhol Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS) New York; Registered Trademark, The Coca Cola Company. All rights reserved

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