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Premio Nobel per la Pace 2016 al presidente colombiano Santos

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos gestures during a joint press conference with former US president and 2002 Nobel peace prize laureate, Jimmy Carter (out of frame) after a meeting on January 12, 2013, at Narino Presidential Palace in Bogota, Colombia. Carter is on a two day visit to Bogota to assess the ongoing peace talks between Colombia's government and its largest leftist guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). This meeting will take place before the government delegation's trip to Havana on Monday to resume talks with FARC's delegation and start the third round of peace negotiations. AFP PHOTO/Guillermo LEGARIA (Photo credit should read GUILLERMO LEGARIA/AFP/Getty Images)

Il presidente della Colombia Juan Manuel Santos ha vinto il premio Nobel per la Pace 2016, scelto tra 376 candidati, di cui 228 singole persone e 148 organizzazioni.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos gestures during a joint press conference with former US president and 2002 Nobel peace prize laureate, Jimmy Carter (out of frame) after a meeting on January 12, 2013, at Narino Presidential Palace in Bogota, Colombia. Carter is on a two day visit to Bogota to assess the ongoing peace talks between Colombia's government and its largest leftist guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). This meeting will take place before the government delegation's trip to Havana on Monday to resume talks with FARC's delegation and start the third round of peace negotiations. AFP PHOTO/Guillermo LEGARIA        (Photo credit should read GUILLERMO LEGARIA/AFP/Getty Images)
(Photo credit should read GUILLERMO LEGARIA/AFP/Getty Images)


Il risultato deludente del referendum che ha respinto l’accordo in Colombia tra governo e Farc, aveva fatto pensare che Santos non avrebbe vinto. Nel comunicato stampa si legge: «Il Comitato norvegese ha deciso di assegnare il premio al presidente colombiano per i suoi sforzi risoluti nel portare a termine la guerra civile lunga 50 anni e che è costata la vita ad almeno 220mila colombiani, oltre ai sei milioni di sfollati. Il premio deve essere visto come un omaggio al popolo colombiano che, nonostante grandi difficoltà e abusi, non ha mai perso la speranza di una pace giusta, e a tutte le parti che hanno contribuito al processo di pace».


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