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Nuovo record per Maurizio Cattelan. Him a $17,189,000

Maurizio Cattelan (B. 1960) Him wax, human hair, suit, polyester resin and pigment 39 3/4 x 17 x 25 in. (101 x 43.1 x 63.5 cm.) Executed in 2001. This work is the artist's proof from an edition of three plus one artist's proof. Price Realized $17,189,000 Set Currency Estimate $10,000,000 - $15,000,000

Him di Maurizio Cattelan (n. 1960) è stato venduto da Christie’s a NY (asta Bound to fail, 08.05.2016) per $17,189,000. Nuovo record per l’artista all’asta. Era stimato $10,000,000 – $15,000,000.  Clicca qui per vedere i risultati completi.

Maurizio Cattelan (B. 1960) Him wax, human hair, suit, polyester resin and pigment 39 3/4 x 17 x 25 in. (101 x 43.1 x 63.5 cm.) Executed in 2001. This work is the artist's proof from an edition of three plus one artist's proof. Price Realized     $17,189,000 Set Currency Estimate     $10,000,000 - $15,000,000
Maurizio Cattelan (B. 1960)
wax, human hair, suit, polyester resin and pigment 39 3/4 x 17 x 25 in. (101 x 43.1 x 63.5 cm.) Executed in 2001. This work is the artist’s proof from an edition of three plus one artist’s proof. Price Realized
Estimate $10,000,000 – $15,000,000

Maurizio Cattelan è nato a Padova nel 1960. «Non so disegnare. Non so dipingere. Per me l’arte è vuota. Sono gli spettatori a fare il lavoro degli artisti». Clicca qui per leggere la sua “scheda” sul Corriere della Sera

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