Maria Crispal e le sue riflessioni di artista “reclusa” al tempo del Coronavirus. Diari letterari tra confessioni e speranze, intimi e riflessivi
Non era mai successo. Nemmeno il coprifuoco della Guerra Mondiale era così rigido: tutti a casa, mattina, sera, notte. E non era mai successo che il rapporto, il contatto con l’”altro”, imprescindibile regola del vivere contemporaneo, diventasse il nostro peggior nemico. Ci voleva un pericolo invisibile, ancor più minaccioso proprio perché impalpabile, per costringerci a fare qualcosa che ormai non facciamo più: guardarci dentro. Vivere solo con noi stessi. Un riallineamento delle coscienze, che ci permette – o forse ci costringe – a rivedere certe cose con un’ottica diversa, più “pura”. Alcuni artisti italiani lo fanno con i lettori di ArtsLife. Diari letterari tra confessioni e speranze, intimi e riflessivi, un ripensamento dell’arte come scelta di vita sociale. Ecco il contributo di Maria Crispal…
La quarantena per il virus ha messo al centro le famiglie, in particolare allargate e/o divise, con o senza figli, e ne ha aperto un ulteriore dibattito: DIVISI DIVISI.
Scrivo da Teramo, dove dimorano i miei genitori, avendo momentaneamente lasciato Roma e Brussel, dopo un periodo a New York, riaffrontando la mia famiglia di nascita.
I social networks, che già da alcuni anni ci uniscono nella lontananza, si sono rivelati sempre più decisivi in questo periodo, accogliendo modalità comunicative in condivisione tra la gente, rielaborando le forme espressive, l’ashtag #iorestoacasa solidarizza e nello stesso tempo induce ad aprire gli spazi dell’intimità per dichiarare presenza come volontà politica di un pensiero che diventa sempre più “social” e influente, costituendo una famiglia di conversazione.
A proposito mi viene in mente la mia opera-progetto “Big Mater Bang”. Che attraverso un sito invita a partecipare a un “parto globale” condividendo un proprio ritratto attraverso una postcard virtuale rappresentata dal mio corpo-mater sponsorizzante lo slogan “Big Mater Bang”, in una nascita globale, uniti nella forza della vita.
Come performer ho sempre veicolato un concetto di famiglia globale e il mio corpo di donna come “Mater” connettiva, assimilata alla “Mater” tecnologica.
In questione sovvengono tematiche femministe e femminili esplicitate nel mio libro e progetto “Corpus Domina” edito dalla Manfredi edizioni.

Ho creato per il mio corpo iconico e performante uno spazio dedicato sul web per essere sempre presente e condivisibile. Noi nati DIVISI, ora ulteriormente DIVISI, in realtà siamo insieme, la volontà e trasmettere questo messaggio che sintetizzo con brevi versi poetici.
Visi divisi
invasi in casa
evasa dall’isolamento
in connessioni e condivisioni
per eludere il lamento
e trasmettere visioni
menti in casa
non mentono i visi
Letture consigliate: “Icona Connettiva” di Maria Crispal, a cura di Antonello Tolve, edito da Museo MMAC di Salerno; “Corpus Domina” di Maria Crispal, a cura di Laura Cherubini, edito da Manfredi edizioni.

Maria Crispal
(Maria Cristina Palombieri aka Maria Crispal)
Lives and works in Rome, Brussels, New York.
Visual artist, model actress and art performer. Art director and producer. Also an Activist.
She dialogues as an author with the various contemporary arts: from music, theater, cinema and literature. Her works include performances, videos, poetry, drawing, sculpture, design, music, photography and new tecnologies.
After her studies (Master’s Degree in Letters and Masters in European design for cultural and environmental heritage) she has collaborated with both private and public bodies in the conception and management of projects in which current global issues such as the environment, social conflicts, sustainable economies, the care of water resources, by affecting a connection among the territories through the use of teaching as applied to the new media along with the integration of various artistic expressions.
In particular, she has dealt with operations that have been co-financed by the European Union (“Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development”) in relation to the themes of the Millennium Goals of the O.N.U.
It should be stated that renowned professionals, such as Derrick de Kerckhove, international mass-media scientist and head of the “McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology” in Toronto, also took part, providing for the participation of schools of all levels in different areas of the world, thanks to the interaction with public and private institutions, universities, museums, associations, foundations, NGOs and non-profit organizations.
The structure herein referred to is that of social networks from which different ways of observation and analysis of the surrounding realities are diffused; and the places are centers with innovative and interdisciplinary study where it is possible to collect the experiences of the projects. And promote the construction of a relationship platform between training structures, institutions and citizenship.
The spaces are also a point of meeting and methodological exchange between all the actors involved to make the results of the activities visible. These ideas are integrated with artistic actions.
For Maria there have been performances in various institutions, including: MAXXI Museum in Rome, Platform Theater – Central S.Martin’s College of Art and Design in London, Liverpool Biennial 2010, No Longer Empty in New York, Contemporary Art Laboratory and Civic Museum of Teramo, MAAM Museum of Rome, MACAO – Center of Art and Culture of Milan, Teatro Valle in Rome, Macro Museum of Rome, MUSE Museum and Civic Museums of Trento, Centrale Fies for the performing arts, Rome-Europe Film Festival, Santo Spirito in Saxia in Rome, Salerno Architecture Museum, Architecture Biennial 2020.
Ther also have been readings and interventions and workshops in universities and academies including: La Sapienza University of Rome, Federico II University of Naples, IULM University of Milan, Sorbonne University of Paris, Central S. Martin’s College in London , The Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan and the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Temple University of Rome, University of Nice, University of Barcelona, MAXXI BASE, Rome, Museum MADRE in Naple.
In 2012 the MMAC Museum of Salerno publishes the artist’s first monograph, “Connective Icon”, and in 2016 the book “Corpus Domina” is published by Manfredi Edition.
In 2013 Maria Crispal carried out a research and residency program at Artakt at Central S. Martins College in London, and over the years stages and workshops with international artists, such as the artist, director and set designer Jan Fabre.
Her artistic activity has been distributed through a platform that includes several projects, such as “Corpus Domina”, which explores the complex female universe between art, anthropology and society through publications, conferences and exhibitions.
Her artistic workshops are recognized didactically and distributed in different areas of the world.
After an experience with the IULM University of Milan, through the pro-rector Alberto Abruzzese, she obtained an experimental space at the University of Teramo, her hometown.
Remaining in the university environment, in her second book she establishes a conversation with Michel Maffesoli, Emeritus Professor of the Academy of France and one of the greatest contemporary sociologists, in which she compares his thoughts with her own research in new lines and possibilities for developing new forms of postmodern sociality.
Present in a depiction with Sofia Loren, on her 80th birthday as created by the artist Giuseppe Stampone for the 75th edition of Miss Italy, commissioned by Patrizia Mirigliani.
Maria Crispal